Today is the day everyone will find out that I'm a fraud

at least that's how I feel about it. We're doing the photo shoot for my films school application today and I am absolutely clueless. Finn is running around awesome-producer-style, getting everything ready, while I'm still pondering how on earth I will hide my cluelessness.
I barely understand the intricate workings of a camera. Sure, I can point the lens in the right direction but everything between seeing a great picture and taking one is lost on me. Lights? No idea. Finn's the master of that, fortunately.
But I know that I'm depressed this week and shouldn't take this too hard. That this is just another hiccup on the way to making the images in my head tangible for others.

oh my... here's to hoping. keep your fingers crossed for me.


  1. A lot of gifted people struggle with the feeling of being a fraud or being an impostor (search for impostor syndrome). You will find out that the feeling is normal and doesn't say anything about your talents and skills. You are not a fraud, you are a highly gifted person, who is doubting herself for all the wrong reasons. Enjoy what you have and keep on amazing us!

    On another note - we should go on a photo-tour. Back in the day, when I had more time and passion about photography I learned a thing or two about photography and the proper use of lenses. I'd love to be of any help.

  2. thank you. yes, I had forgotten about impostor syndrome, again. I wish knowing about it would make it less horrible a feeling.

    in fact I had a ton of fun yesterday. I felt in my element. and the pictures turned out pretty decent, I think. again, thank you <3

    also, yes, photo tour, sounds cool :)
