before the storm

The birds are chirping in the early evening warmth, the sounds from the city streets are oddly muted. I'm alone in the flat, I have nice music on and am sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee. The bunnies are contentedly munching on hay.

It's an eerie calm-before-the-storm-feeling.

In an hour Finn will come home and my second producer will show up and so will my brand new assistant director. And we will hold our production meeting and get some last minute stuff done because tomorrow is our first shoot day.

In one hour this place will be loud and crazy and wonderful and exciting. But for now it's just me and a cup of coffee and a long-overdue blog post. For now it's a peaceful quietness in my heart, with traces of nervousness infused.

Tomorrow I start shooting my very first film. Tomorrow.
Today I get to have coffee and music on the couch. If only for one hour.

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